Monday, July 19, 2010

13 Year Old Boy- Agency List

He was born in May 1997 and he has diagnoses of cerebral palsy and exotropia of left eye. According to the agency reps who met him, "The caseworker at the orphanage stated that his cerebral palsy is minor and that he acts pretty much normal and his eyesight seems to be somewhat normal also. Though we are not qualified to give medical evaluation, anyone interested in this child should check out all the videos of our camp to see what we saw during our two days there."

The following is a description of this boy by another adoptive family: “Both of my girls spent years of their lives with him in the same orphanage. I know this little boy would make an excellent big brother, my girls just smile when they see his photo, and give me a big thumbs up! It is my opinion, having met him two times, that information in his file is possibly not accurate and he has much greater abilities than the paper information would suggest. PLEASE CONSIDER this boy if you have a place in your heart and your family for a big brother.”

There are more pictures and even video available upon request.